Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Hard Nut

  My parents and I went to see The Hard Nut, which is a fun twist on The Nutcracker. With all the same music, the thing that was tweaked was the plot.
  Marie, a young girl, gets a nutcracker from a friend of the family for Christmas. At night, everything suddenly turns gigantic. Marie is attacked by the Rat King and she kills him with her slipper. Then she blacks out.
  That part is exactly the same to the story of The Nutcracker, but here's when it changes. Marie is ill, so her friend tells her the story of a princess named Pirlipat. Pirlipat was very pretty, but she got cursed by the Rat Queen and turned ugly. The only way to save her was to crack the Hard Nut in your teeth.
   A young man succeeded, and Pirlipat became beautiful again, but she dumped him. At this point, Marie interrupted the story and pledged her love to the young man, and they get married. I recommend this to anyone.

Animal Lovers' Club Update #6

  The ornaments that were made at the ALC tree-trimming party were a big hit! The ornaments were as diverse as a pom-pom in a basket to pipe-cleaner animals. I even made a pipe-cleaner mouse!
   Meanwhile, we are continuing our work on the Idiot Princess Chronicles. Gabby has decided that her, Nika, and I will each be doing our own comics. Mireille and Cielo may make their own later on.
   Gabby has decided to continue her Cinderella. I am working on Snow White, and Nika is working on Rapunzel.  We are going to eventually make a comic together with all three of those characters (with them comparing their beauty to each other!)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's Chanukah!

  Guess what? It's Chanukah! Tonight is the fifth night. Last Thursday we had a Chanukah party at school.
  We had three different activities: playing dreidel, making latkes, and reading books about the holiday. It was a whole lot of fun.
   At home for Chanukah, my parents and I enjoy a meal of mini-latkes. We light the candles, say the blessings, and open presents!

Animal Lovers' Club Update #5

  Great news!!! Cielo has joined the ALC as Nika's assistant treasurer! She is now helping us to organize our bakesale.
  For various reasons, the bakesale has been moved to mid-December. We will soon have a date that we can tell to our followers.
  Meanwhile, next week, the ALC as well as some of our friends will be having a sleepover party at a hotel to celebrate Nika's birthday. The day after, the ALC is going to Gabby's house for a tree-trimming party. We will also be making our own Christmas tree ornaments to sell as party of our fundraiser.
  We are also working on The Idiot Princess Chronicles, a series of comics about dimwitted princesses. These will also be sold.
   SPOILER ALERT!!! The first comic is Cinderella with a twist! Cinderella is a pretty, yet dumb girl who has two ugly stepsisters. The stepsisters are kind, clever, and funny.
   Cinderella gets married to a prince. Once the prince finds out how dumb she is, he wants to leave her (there wasn't divorce back then.) He talks to a witch. The witch transforms Cinderella into a beast, which leads into the next comic (Handsome And The Beast!)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

VH1 Save The Music Gala 2010

  Last Monday was the VH1 Save The Music Gala 2010. The P.S.58 Chamber Orchestra (which I play violin in) played two songs: Favorite Things from The Sound Of Music and Dance Of The Tumblers from Snow Maiden. There was a special tribute to Julie Andrews.
  Sadly, we did not get to see Julie Andrews. For the real performance, we had to leave as soon as our part was done, so they let us watch the dress rehearsal. During the final dress, Julie Andrews did not make an appearance, so they had a stand-in (WHO HAPPENED TO BE A MAN!!!!!!!)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Animal Lovers' Club Update #4

  Now, the ALC has decided, instead donating the bakesale money to an animal shelter, to donate the money to the World Wildlife Fund. If you are interested in helping out, please contact me or one of the other ALC members. We need all the help we can get!
  A little bonus about donating money to the WWF is that, depending on how much money you raise, they will reward you with STUFFED ANIMALS!!! If we raise enough money, we will have a choice to either each get our own stuffed animals, or to get one big polar bear to be the ALC's mascot!
  Just one last thing: we are planning on having the bakesale around Thanksgiving. We will keep you updated, and remember, feel free to contact us!

The Queen

Halloween 2010

  Everybody, kids in particular, is excited for Halloween, which happens to be tonight. For Halloween this year, I am being Cleopatra (not the historic figure, actually, the Shakespearean character.) I am going to go Trick-Or-Treating with my friend Gabby.
  No doubt about it, Brooklyn is one of the best places for Halloween. There are dozens of haunted houses, as well as piles full of candy, and there's even more. Many people put out inflatables (such as spiders and pumpkins) in their front yards!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Animal Lovers' Club Update #3

  The ALC is currently preparing for our bakesale, which will probably be sometime next month. Just so you know, the bakesale will be held in the ALC president Gabby's backyard.
   We are brainstorming types of possible food. Since all the money from the bakesale is being donated to a local animal shelter, the treasurer Nika thought that we may sell some dog treats, as well as "human" food.

My Messed Up Dress

  Last night was another performance of La Boheme at the Metropolitan Opera House. It was an unusual performance, for sure.
  It was unusual because my dress ripped. It all started out as a little hole. My skirt is really long, so people kept on stepping on it by mistake. By the end of the opera, my dress was all in rags!
  There are a lot of stairs on the set, so I kept on tumbling down them. The funny thing, though, was that I didn't notice until I was changing back into my street clothes. While on stage, I just thought that my shoes were untied, or something!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

La Boheme Opening Night

  Last night was opening night of La Boheme at the Metropolitan Opera House. For those of you, viewers, who don't know, I sing in the Metropolitan Opera House in the Childrens' Chorus.
  Opening night went very well. The cool part about La Boheme is that they have real food on the stage, like bagels, lollipops, and peppermints (by the way, you can actually eat the peppermints.)
  I appear in two acts of the opera: Act Two and Act Three. Act Two is the act in which the children sing, and Act Three is just acting.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Animal Lovers' Club Update #2

  At the moment, the Animal Lovers' Club is brainstorming different foods that would be appropriate for our bake sale fundraiser for the animal shelters. If you have any ideas, feel free to tell us. We always love help!
  We haven't created an official date for our bake sale. We are thinking about having it in two or three months so that we can have time to prepare. Thank you everyone for your support!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Animal Lovers' Club Update #1

  Hello! The Animal Lovers' Club is a club made up of me, Mireille, Gabby, and Nika. Gabby is the president, I am the vice-president, Nika is the treasurer, and Mireille is the public advertiser. The Animal Lovers' Club strives to help animals and stop them from becoming endangered.
  The club's current project is to raise money for animal shelters. We are thinking of having a bake sale at some point, and all the money we make will go to public shelters. If you are interested in helping the Animal Lovers' Club, please feel free to contact me at Thanks!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fairway Market

  Every Sunday I go to Fairway with my dad for our weekly shopping. This serves as our father-daughter time. Going to Fairway is really fun because they always have lots of samples to try.
  After the shopping is finished, my dad and I stop in the cafe to grab a snack. I love going to fairway with my dad.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Math Unit 1 Reflection

  In school this week we finished Unit 1 of Math Workshop. For me it went pretty well. Over all, the unit went pretty smoothly for me. I had a little trouble with exponents, but everything else went well.
  The math test went really well for me. I was able to do it pretty easily, so over all, I think the test went well for me.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Where The Mountain Meets The Moon

  Where The Mountain Meets The Moon- a fantasy tale- centers on Minli, a young girl who is brave and loves adventure. Her family is poor, so she sets out on an epic quest to find the Old Man of The Moon, and change her fortune. Her father- Ba- would tell her stories about dragons and adventure. Her mother-Ma- disapproves of Ba's stories, finding them worthless.
  My prediction for what will happen next is that Minli- having befriended a dragon- will continue on her journey to Never ending Mountain, and the monkeys- that guard the peach trees- will interrupt her progress.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lovely London

   This past summer I went to London for the first time. My parents and I took a car service to New Jersey, stayed overnight at a hotel, and boarded the plane early the next morning.
   The flight was seven hours long, but it went by quickly because we each got an entertainment system (with movies, music, and games.) There is a time change in London so we got there late at night.
   We took the tube (the subway in London) to the hotel. The tube is much neater than the subway and each of the seats is soft, not hard. Other than the neatness, the tube is pretty similar to the subway back here in New York.
   As soon as we got to the hotel, we got dinner and got to sleep. We stayed in London for a week. We came on a Monday and came back on the next one.
   Some of the places we visited include: The London Eye, The Science Museum, Shakespeare's Globe, and Hamleys (this gigantic toy store.)