The plot of Brave centers around a young Scottish princess, Merida, who is unusually talented at archery. She lives in a kingdom where bears are feared and hated due to this evil one that attacked the castle once. Merida's mother, the queen, wants to find the right husband for her daughter, and holds a contest where the three suitors have to compete in an archery-themed event. Merida doesn't want to get married, and runs away from home when she and her mother have an awful fight, which ended in the queen burning Merida's favorite bow that she got from her father, and Merida ripping a tapestry that was a portrait of the royal family.
Merida finds a witch and pays her to "change" the queen, though Merida has no idea what will change about her mother. She goes home to find out that her mother has turned into a bear, though a gentle one. With the help of her three little brothers, Merida must change her mother back before she becomes a real bear-forever.
Although Brave was targeted more to a younger crowd, I actually found it very touching.The mother-daughter bond that is explored is really moving, and I actually found myself crying a bit near the end. Please-anyone who hasn't seen this great movie yet-see it soon! It really is a very deeply moving movie.
Below is a pic of the movie's feisty heroine.

For Harry Potter, there are many parodies, such as Harry Pothead and the new musical, Potted Potter:
For Twilight, there is the extremely off-the-walls movie Vampires Suck:
In each one of these parodies, the normal character names from the original books are replaced with made-up names to avoid copyright. A lot of the character names in parodies are very clever. For instance, in The Hunger Pains, Katniss Everdeen is replaced with Kantkiss Neverclean.
Now, here's another picture. To see the video, go to YouTube and search "The Hungry Games":
To close this post, I want to offer one last parody, and this is by far one of my favorite ones for The Hunger Games. It's inspired by the game, Hungry Hungry Hippos: