Well, Carmen's done. :( We had the last performance last night. Me and the other kids in it had a ton of fun during the two hour break in between the scenes we sing in. We ate candy and watched The Lion King.
Parsifal was broadcasted worldwide this afternoon! After I did my singing in the first act and came home, my parents and I listened to the rest of it. Whoa, it was long! But it was pretty awesome. The singing was really amazing.
I got contact lenses! I've never been so happy in my life. For almost four years, I've been wearing my glasses to school and not wearing them to performances. Recently, I decided that my eyes really weren't doing so well, and since I wanted to be able to see better during the closing night of Carmen, I got contacts! They feel awesome! I wore them for about eighteen hours yesterday (my first day of wearing them.) I was supposed to start wearing them gradually, but I needed them for both school and the performance, so, you know...
Since I had them in for so long, they were really dry when I tried to take them out, and they wouldn't come out. Here's what worked for me: dip your finger that you're going to take the contact out with in solution. It comes out really easily if you do that.
So that's it. Bye for now!
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